Daniel Novegil is CEO of Ternium. He is an Industrial Engineer from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Master of Science in Management from Stanford University (United States). He holds executive degrees of the Association of Overseas Technical Scholarship - AOTS (Japan), the Sloan School of Management of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania . He is also Director of the Latin American Steel Association (Alacero).
ALACERO´S WHITE PAPER | Diagnosis and proposals for the industrialization of Latin America

PANEL I | Energy. A key element for competitiveness and growth

Lead Specialist in Oil and Gas of the Energy Division at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Mr. Espinasa is Professor at Georgetown University, where he teaches a graduate seminar on Energy Security in the Western Hemisphere. Until 1999, he was the Chief Economist for Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA). He served as a consultant for the IDB, the Andean Development Corporation (CAF) and the World Bank (IBRD). He holds a degree in Industrial Engineering (Catholic University Andres Bello), Ph.D. Energy Economics (University of Cambridge) and Master in Economic Development (Institute of Social Studies in The Hague).

President of the Brazilian Association of Large Industrial Energy Consumers (ABRACE), partner at Nexus Consulting, Counselor at Equatorial Energy and columnist of the Energy Channel. Previously, he was partner at Celeste Engineering (small hydro project designers), worked at Eletronorte and the hydroelectric company “San Francisco” (Chesf), and collaborated with the Infrastructure Committee of the Federal Senate. He was also Director of the National Electric Energy Agency and President of the Brazilian Association of Energy Traders. As a teacher has taught courses in the MBA in Energy at IBMEC-Rio and FGV-SP, and the Graduate Program in Energy Law at the University Cândido Mendes.
Mechanical engineer at the University of Brasilia (UNB) and MBA from the Institute of Management at the University of San Pablo.

Deputy General Director
Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO)
PANEL II | Climate Change. Steel in the green economy

Expert on climate and air policy. Advisor to the US Congress, the European Commission and some developing countries. He is author of more than 50 key studies on climate change, air quality, electricity regulation, and transportation policy. He is frequently quoted in the Washington Post, NY Times and other publications. With more than thirty years of experience, he has a deep understanding of trade and market programs to address climate change.

President of the Environment Committee of worldsteel. He is Group Director of Environment for Europe, India, Southeast Asia and North America at Tata Steel. Director of BCSD (Business Council for Sustainable Development). Previously he was Chairman of the Environment Committee and a member of Eurofer;Tata Sons Sustainability Steering Committee; and the Committee on Climate Change of Eurofer. He is a Biomechanical Engineer from Swansea University, Ph.D. in Conservation of Energy and Heat Transfer, University of the West of England, and MBA from Warwick University.

Professor in Structural Engineering and Materials at Virginia Tech, Lead Researcher in composite steel and concrete structures and seismic engineering. His studies have influenced international norms and standards. Previously, he held academic positions at the University of Minnesota and Georgia Tech. He authored and co-authored books and numerous articles in specialized journals. Former President of the Institute of Structural Engineering, Director of the Council and the Institute of Applied Research in Earthquake Engineering (USA) Technology. Ph.D. University of Texas-Austin, M.S. Stanford University and B. S. University of Massachusetts-Amhest.
PANEL III | The world, China and Latin America. How to build a more sustainable future

Current Director of the Center for International Development at Harvard University. Previously, Chief Economist of IDB, President of the Development Committee of the IMF-World Bank, Minister of Planning and Board member of Venezuela´s Central Bank. Mr. Hausmann specializes in growth, macroeconomic stability, international finance and the social dimensions of development. His articles have been published in prestigious journals of economics and international magazines. Ph.D. in economics from Cornell University.

Deputy Executive

Professor at West Virginia University and former Asia Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School, her research focuses on Multinationals and International Management, in Emerging Markets, including business-government relations, and sanctions and subsidies. Her more than 200 publications include two best-sellers. Her book “The Chinese Tao of Business” was reviewed by WSJ as the only business book on Asia to buy.
She has presented her research on China to the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission and to the Committee on Ways and Means, included on the Non-market Economy Trade Remedy Act; and also to the US International Trade Commission, US Department of Commerce and US Trade Representative. Her research on Chinese subsidies was the basis of three pieces of anti-dumping regulation in the EU.
PANEL IV | Value Chains: An integral vision for the Latin American steel

Raw materials market and steel industry operational costs analyst at CRU. His experience goes from strategy to technical planning. He worked for Tata Steel, Corus, British Steel and worldsteel. MBA from Warwick Business School, Ph.D in Theorical Chemistry from the University of Manchester, and member of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

President of MABE, household appliance´s manufacturing company in Latin America that exports to 30 countries and employs 20,000 people. He joined mabe in 1982 to assume his current position in 1992. Since 1996, he chairs the Board of Directors. He is founder and board member of Credit Real (microfinance company), member of the Mexican Council of Businessmen and Board member of the Aspen Institute (recently established in Mexico). He is an Industrial Engineer and MBA.

In April 2013, Steve St. Angelo, based in São Paulo, Brazil, was named the Chief Executive Officer of Latin American and Caribbean Region and Chairman of Toyota do Brasil and Toyota Argentina. He also serves at a Managing Officer of Toyota Motor Corporation. St. Angelo joined Toyota as President of Manufacturing at Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc., the company’s largest facility outside Japan on April 1, 2005. In June 2007, St. Angelo was named the Senior Vice President of Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing, North America. In June 2009, he was promoted to Managing Officer of Toyota Motor Corporation. In April 2012, St. Angelo’s responsibilities for Toyota North America expanded to include all Manufacturing, Production Engineering, Production Control and Quality.
St. Angelo’s 41 year career in automobile manufacturing began with General Motors as a production team member at the Fisher Body Fleetwood plant in Detroit. Steve’s last position, before retiring with GM was Director at General Motors de Mexico.
St. Angelo has earned 11 patents.
Born in Detroit, St. Angelo earned a Bachelor of Science degree in computer systems engineering and a master's degree in manufacturing management from General Motors Institute. He also completed the Executive Development Program at the Wharton School of Business.
PANEL V | Where are we heading to? The steel market and industry according to its CEOs

General Director
Ternium Siderar

CEO, ArcelorMittal Brazil

Raúl Gutiérrez Muguerza is the current CEO of Grupo Deacero, a steel company founded by ihs father Mr. César Gutiérrez in Monterrey, N.L, in 1952.
He studied Industrial Engineering at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN.
Currently, he is Vice-president of the Latin American Steel Association (Alacero) and the Mexican Iron and Steel Chamber (CANACERO). Previously, he has served as President of booth, Alacero and CANACERO, the latter twice.
Furthermore, he is Founder and Chairman of the Museo del Acero Horno3, an interactive science and technology center, located at Parque Fundidora in -Monterrey, N.L.

José Luis Giraudo is the Executive General Director (CEO) of Acindar Arcelor Mittal since 2012. He joined Acindar in 1979 in Corporate Planning and worked in various finance positions. In 2006 he was appointed Executive Director of Administration and Finance and was responsible of Planning and Management Control, Accounting and Taxes, Finance, Treasury, Credit and Collections, SGR and Informatics. Currently he is also Vice President of the Acindar Foundation, President of the Argentine Chamber of Steel (CAA) and a member of the Board of Alacero. He has a degree in Economics from the University of Morón (Argentina). He also attended several graduate courses in Argentina and abroad (IAE - IEBusiness School - Business INSEAD Executive Education). He specializes in capital market and debt restructuring.

Carlos Zuluaga is a Business Administrator graduated from the University of Kansas and also holds a degree in top management of J.L. Kellogg School of Business in Chicago. He has been linked to the steel business since 1983 as part of the Acesco / Metalco Group, where he held various positions to become President of Acesco SAS. From 2013, he serves as Corporate President of the Group with responsibility for the operations in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama and Puerto Rico, and the distribution centers in other Central American countries. He has served on the Boards of Directors of the National Association of Entrepreneurs ANDI in Colombia, the Board of Centro Fundesarrollo in Barranquilla and is currently a board member of Alacero.