
What is included in Alacero-56 registration rate?  

Alacero-56 registration rate includes right to receive / participate of:

  • All Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11, November panels.
  • Welcome Cocktail at Hilton Hotel (Monday 9).
  • Tuesday 10 Lunch at Hilton Hotel
  • Annual Dinner on Tuesday10
  • Access to ExpoAlacero 2015 and the Sculpture Exhibition.
  • Welcome Kit including Congress Information and Market Information.
  • Access to Exclusive Alacero-56 web site since payment is accepted. Site includes information on: congress, list of participants, panelists presentations (available after the panels), photos, etc.

Do members and affiliates enjoy of additional benefits?  

Alacero members and Affiliates enjoy a special registration rate of USD 1,500. Also, they are entitled to participate of Committee and Board meetings that will be held at the Hilton Hotel on November, Sunday 8 and Monday 9.

What is NOT included in the registration rate?   

All accommodations, transport and parking costs, as well as any other service not described in Answer 1 are excluded of the Registration Rate.

How should I do to register?  

You should complete the form posted in this web site, making clear the payment method of your preference.

Which are the accepted payment methods?  

Accepted payment methods are Credit Card and Bank Transfer.

Getting a Visa to visit Argentina  

Alacero is not responsible for obtaining the required documentation (passports and/or visas) to enter Mexico. Alacero can give support to Alacero-56 participants (who are already registered and have paid their registration fee) by issuing invitation letters. If you need a letter, please request it by sending an email to etrebilcock@alacero.org. We recommend checking the entry requirements at the Mexican Embassy in your country in advance.

Countries that require a Visa to travel to Argentina

Cancelations and changes  

Se podrán anular las inscripciones con derecho a devolución dentro de los plazos que se indican a continuación: Hasta el 09 de septiembre con derecho a devolución del 100% del importe abonado. Hasta el 15 de octubre con derecho a devolución del 40% del importe abonado. A partir del 16 de octubre no habrán devoluciones. El titular de la inscripción (nombre del delegado) podrá ser cambiado antes del inicio del congreso y hasta el momento de la acreditación inicial en la Secretaría General del Congreso, siempre que ambos delegados pertenezcan a la misma empresa. Una vez iniciadas las actividades, si un delegado ya se ha acreditado en Secretaría, no podrá cambiar el nombre de su credencial para otra persona.

Where can I find the list of participants and the presentations of the speakers?  

The list of participants will be available at the Exclusive Web site for Alacero-56 participants from October, 1st. The list will be updated as new registrations appear. Presentations will be available to download form the same web site once the speaker concludes his/her presentation.

How do I log in Alacero-56 exclusive web site?  

Once you are registered, you will receive an email with a password. Go to Alacero-56 web site (link) and write this password . The site will ask you to change it to one you can easily remember. This new password will allow you to access the site any time you want, before and during the Congress. If you did not receive your password or forgot it, please send an email to comunicaciones@alacero.org and we will send you a new one.

What is the Congress dress code?  

As a reference, participants of former editions of Alacero Congress preferred business suits or business casual attire to attend the panel sessions. Wearing t-shirts, shorts, sandals and bath suits is not allowed during Alacero-56 events.

May I go with a companion?  

Significant others are welcome to Alacero-56. Companions are entitled to participate of all the social activities of the Congress (coctail, dinner) and the foreign delegates companions can atendees to the Spouse Programme. They are not entitled to participate of the Panels.

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